In 2021, the long-awaited revival of the "MIRAGE" series as a series that inherits the DNA of the predecessor brand. As a joint project with fragment design, the 2022AW collection with a renewed lineup will appear in the same series that has gained popularity with each release. In pursuit of an elegant luster and comfortable softness, we have worked on development from the fabric, and by applying a transparent and glossy urethane coating to the surface of high-density nylon taffeta, it has an enamel-like luster and is flexible, lightweight, and soft to the body. I expressed a unique texture. The tag, parts, and interior fabric are all black, and the different tones of black are contrasting yet naturally blended.

This collection will be available at RAMIDUS TOKYO STORE and RAMIDUS ONLINE from Saturday, December 10, 2022. Also, from the same day, it is scheduled to be released at RAMIDUS stores nationwide.